Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a common hormonal disorder characterized by enlarged ovaries with multiple small cysts. It is a leading cause of high testosterone levels in women. PCOS disrupts the normal hormonal balance, resulting in excessive testosterone production. What is Polycystic Ovary...

How do war and other disasters affect our hormones and health
Every year, millions of people worldwide face war, civil unrest, and other natural disasters. Whether it is a battle-driven conflict, or hurricane, flood, or tornado, these worst-case scenarios bring with them physical dangers as well as mental strife, which can negatively impact your hormone levels...

Women after 35: most common hormone problems at this age
Common Hormone Problems for Women After 35: Symptoms and Causes Women can face hormonal issues as young as 35. Women do not have to be going through menopause to experience physical, emotional, and mental issues related to hormonal changes. There is not a specific age at which menopause begins....

How to Increase Sleeping Hormones in Adults and Why They Decline
Sleep and hormones are intimately related. There are several hormones that regulate or influence sleep. Sleep and your sleeping hormones are kind of a two-way street, meaning that as your sleep hormones decline, it can lead to disturbed sleep, and not getting enough sleep can lead to the decline...

HGH cycle for beginners: how to make a healthy and safe start
Human growth hormone is prescribed in “cycles.” A typical HGH cycle lasts anywhere from four to six months. After that, you will be evaluated as to whether you need to continue on another cycle of HGH. HGH is a prescription medication. HGH injections are only prescribed to treat people with...

Low Thyroid Hormone Symptoms: How to Recognize and Prevent Decreasing of Thyroid Hormone
It is important to learn how to recognize the symptoms of low thyroid hormone. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck. The thyroid produces two different “thyroid hormones,” both of which regulate a number of bodily functions from metabolism to the beating of your heart. Low...

What are the causes of Rapid Weight Loss? Is it a bad sign?
Understanding Rapid Weight Loss – Is it Always a Bad Sign? Losing weight rapidly or unintentionally could be a sign of any number of medical conditions or health issues. Rapid weight loss is not healthy or normal and should never be ignored. Conditions that could cause rapid weight loss include...

Best HGH injections on the US Market in 2024
The top four name brands of human growth hormone (HGH) injections currently for sale in the US by market share are: Norditropin, made by Novo Nordisk Genotropin, made by Pfizer Humatrope, made by Eli Lilly Omnitrope, made by Sandoz Sermorelin, made by Geref, is an HGH alternative that...

How to Increase Free Testosterone Naturally
There are a number of natural, safe, and effective ways to increase free testosterone. In a male body, testosterone exists in two ways: bound and free. “Free testosterone” is that testosterone that is not bound to proteins in the blood and is “free” or bioavailable for use. Free testosterone...

Home Remedies for Allergies: Can They Really Help?
An allergy or allergic reaction is your immune system reacting to a foreign substance that is usually not harmful nor would trigger the same kind of reaction in other people. Allergies are quite common. The allergy that you are probably most aware of is reactions to pollen, often referred to as...