Testosterone with HGH: What to Expect

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Author :Dr. Jonathan McKennell
Editor :Henry Evans

Testosterone with HGH: What to Expect

Testosterone with HGH: What to Expect ‎

You may have heard about athletes who use testosterone with HGH. What to expect for you will be an entirely different scenario. Bodybuilders and athletes stack testosterone and HGH to bulk up their muscles, increase their strength, and improve speed and endurance. Of course, not only is the medical use of these hormones illegal for these purposes, but it is also against the rules of most sports organizations.

What about the average adult who suffers from testosterone and growth hormone deficiency? Can he or she benefit from the combined use of testosterone and HGH therapy?

There is no doubt that each of these hormones is essential for proper health. What many people do not realize is the synergistic nature of testosterone and HGH. In addition to performing many similar functions, both hormones help to influence each other’s production. Since they both begin to decline before most people turn thirty, it is no surprise that their deficiencies often occur around the same time.

You may be concerned that the use of testosterone with HGH will cause you to look like a bodybuilder. Not everyone aspires to that type of physique. Please know this – your testosterone and HGH before and after pictures will not have you ready to enter a bodybuilding competition unless you combine their use with regular heavy weight-lifting sessions. Those individuals who use testosterone and HGH illegally typically work out for hours on end, consume all types of amino acids and protein powders, and eat highly specialized diets. That is not what you will be doing when you go to balance your hormone levels. Instead, you will be losing excess fat and improving lean muscle tone.

Unless you are looking to use testosterone and HGH illegally for sports or bodybuilding purposes, you do not have to worry about developing bulging muscles. These hormones help put your body back in proper balance.

Solo Benefits of Testosterone ‎

Solo Benefits of Testosterone‎WordBefore we discuss what the testosterone HGH relationship will do for your body when taken jointly, let us first look at each of these hormones at the singular level. Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the body – not just for men, but also for women. Testosterone is responsible for stimulating the production of the hormone that encourages red blood cell formation in bone marrow. Low testosterone is often the cause of anemia.

Here are some of the other reasons why you need testosterone, and how testosterone therapy can help improve your life:

  • Sex drive and performance – testosterone is the driving force behind libido in women and men. It supports vaginal lubrication as well as erectile functions for better, more satisfying sex.
  • Bone density – testosterone is essential for maintaining bone mineral density. Because it is the precursor hormone to estradiol, it ensures that you have enough estrogen to slow down the process of bone resorption that can weaken bones.
  • Muscle mass – testosterone is the primary builder of lean muscle mass which helps support the structural integrity of the body.
  • Brain functions – androgen receptors in the brain require testosterone for cognitive functions, memory, and even emotional well-being. Before antidepressants came on the market, testosterone was the go-to treatment for depression.
  • Sleep – testosterone keeps cortisol levels low so that they do not interfere with you getting the proper amount of sleep to ensure adequate hormone production.
  • Metabolism – testosterone helps regulate how well your body metabolizes the food you eat so that you do not gain weight. Through this action, testosterone also increases energy and endurance.
  • Cholesterol and triglyceride levels – testosterone helps to lower LDL and total cholesterol as well as triglyceride levels for better heart health. At the same time, testosterone also reduces blood pressure levels.

These are only some of the many ways testosterone helps the body. For more on using testosterone with HGH, what to expect from HGH therapy is next.

Testosterone supports many essential functions that impact the body physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Solo Benefits of HGH ‎

Next up in our look at using testosterone and HGH injections, we focus our attention on the most influential hormone in the body – HGH.

Solo Benefits of HGH ‎WordHuman growth hormone is essential for the following functions:

  • Cellular regeneration – it ensures that the muscles, bones, skin, nails, hair, and internal organs all have enough new cells each day to replace those that die away. Improved cell regeneration keeps the skin firm and youthful looking, the hair growing thick, and the muscles well-toned. It helps provide the bone cells needed to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Metabolism – HGH is the primary regulator of how well the body metabolizes the food you eat. Human growth hormone helps maintain a healthy weight through lipolysis – fat burning.
  • Immunity – human growth hormone promotes the production of immune-fighting B and T cells to reduce illness frequency as you age. HGH also helps speed healing and recovery time.
  • Libido and sexual functions – both directly through its own actions, and indirectly by stimulating testosterone production, HGH supports healthy sexual desire and functions.
  • Heart health – HGH lowers LDL and total cholesterol, reducing plaque build-up in the arteries. Human growth hormone works directly on the heart muscle to improve cardiac functions.
  • Brain functions – the abundance of HGH receptors in the brain require growth hormone to support all cognitive functions and emotional well-being.
  • Internal organ functions – due to reduced cellular regeneration as you age, the organs begin to shrink. Their functions become impaired, and illness occurs. HGH therapy improves organ structure and functions.

These are only some of the many benefits of HGH. As you can see, for the use of testosterone with HGH, what to expect often turns up many of the same results, increasing their effectiveness.

HGH is essential for the well-being of the entire body as it acts on every cell.

When Is It Beneficial to Take Testosterone with HGH? ‎

The use of testosterone therapy with HGH is beneficial if your blood test results turn up significant deficiencies in both hormones. If only one of the hormone levels is deficient, but the other is borderline, then treating the one will likely improve the other.

When people receive doctor-prescribed testosterone with HGH, what to expect often looks like this:

  • First few weeks – more energy, improved mood and outlook, increased sex drive, better sleep
  • End of one month – increased stamina, better focus
  • After two months – body tone begins to change (some weight loss and muscle increase), improvement in skin tone and hair growth, better sexual performance and heightened pleasure
  • After three months – enhanced cognitive performance, focus, and memory, reduced joint pains, less stiffness, increased drive and productivity

As you can see, testosterone and HGH taken together provides significant benefits to the body. The list does not stop there, as better red blood cell production, organ size and function, heart health, and bone density all improve with continued treatment. Internally, you will have reduced inflammation, stronger immune functions, and improved cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

It is beneficial to take both testosterone and HGH together if you have significant deficiencies in both these hormones.

What Is a Testosterone HGH Stack? ‎

Stacking testosterone with HGH is a terminology used by bodybuilders. It means using the two hormones in tandem so that testosterone can help HGH work faster. HGH helps support the functions of testosterone.

There is no recommended HGH dosage with testosterone for this stack because our hormone specialists do not condone using these medications for anything but legitimate hormone deficiencies.

Using testosterone and HGH together when the body does not need them can result in significant side effects that can lead to:

  • Edema
  • Gynecomastia
  • Adult acne
  • Oily skin
  • Infertility
  • Aggression
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Testicular shrinkage
  • Hair loss
  • Facial and body hair growth
  • Depression
  • And many other side effects

If you are thinking about illegally taking testosterone with HGH, what to expect is something you should discuss with a hormone specialist before getting started. You could wind up destroying your body’s natural ability to produce these hormones.

A testosterone and HGH stack is used by bodybuilders. We do not recommend hormone therapy for anything other than medical necessity.

How Do I Get Testosterone and HGH Near Me?

How Do I Get Testosterone and HGH Near MeWordYou may wonder – how do I get testosterone and HGH therapy near me. This question may be on your mind if you went to your primary care physician with the symptoms of hormone deficiency and left empty-handed. Do not fret over this – most general practitioners are not trained in recognizing the symptoms of hormone decline. We are! You only want experienced hormone replacement therapy specialists adjusting your delicate hormone levels.

Testosterone and HGH treatment require you to undergo a physical examination and blood analysis before the doctor can make a diagnosis. You will also have a consultation to discuss your symptoms, as well as complete a medical questionnaire where you will detail your current and prior health concerns. Make sure to list all medications, as well as over-the-counter supplements.

Upon review of your completed medical file, the hormone specialist will determine the proper treatment for your needs. If recommended to receive testosterone with HGH, what to expect next is the selection of the brand and type of HGH injection, as well as form of testosterone therapy. Women will likely receive a compounded testosterone cream. Men can choose from testosterone injections, patches, gels, nasal gels, or transbuccal tablets. One of our experienced medical advisors will go over all the options with you. After that, you will receive all medications and supplies at your door.

To learn more about the many benefits of testosterone and HGH, please contact us for a confidential consultation at no charge.

Always speak with an experienced hormone specialist to get testosterone and HGH therapy. Contact us today for a free consultation.