Can Low Testosterone Cause Tiredness

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Author :Dr. Marylin Adams
Editor :Henry Evans

Can Low Testosterone Cause Tiredness?

Call it what you want – fatigue, tiredness, low energy, lack of stamina, lethargy – ultimately, it all means the same. Instead of having that get-up-and-go vibe, all you want to do is collapse on the couch. It just may be that the hormone testosterone is to blame. Can low testosterone cause tiredness, and if so, what can you do about it? That is what we are here to answer.

When you think about testosterone, what comes to mind?

  • Men with big muscles?
  • Heightened sex drive?
  • Masculinity?

Those may be the first things you think about, but where you really need to put your attention is on energy levels. How will low testosterone cause tiredness, and does it only apply to men?

The first thing we want you to know is that every person needs testosterone. Women can also get low testosterone, and it is often a cause of their fatigue. It is going to be extremely difficult for anyone with low testosterone to feel energized. Why? The answer has everything to do with sleep, insomnia, and metabolism.

Your tiredness may have everything to do with low testosterone levels.

Why Do You Get Fatigued with Low Testosterone?

It is true – sleep, insomnia, and metabolism have everything to do with testosterone. How can low testosterone cause tiredness and all these other problems? Couldn’t my doctor just give me a sleeping pill if insomnia is the problem?

Why Do You Get Fatigued with Low Testosterone?A sleeping pill is not the answer – especially if your problem is due to hormonal imbalance. The first thing a doctor will likely ask you if you complain about feeling tired is how well you sleep at night. After all, when you get enough sleep and wake up rested, you will probably have plenty of energy. You know how you feel when you wake up after a restless night or after staying up very late and waking up early in the morning. The day begins with an energy deficit. You reach for that next cup of coffee, caffeinated soda, or sugar-laden snack. What does testosterone have to do with all the above? Only everything!

When you fall into a state of deep, slow-wave sleep, your body goes into hormone production overdrive. That is when the majority of testosterone and growth hormone secretion occurs. If you do not get enough sleep, your body does not have time to produce enough of these hormones.

Why does low testosterone cause tiredness in this situation?

Fatigue happens for many reasons in this scenario:

  • First, during sleep, your body needs that testosterone and growth hormone to stimulate the metabolism of everything you ate during the day. The food you eat will turn into the fuel your body needs for energy. If you do not have adequate hormone production, instead of becoming fuel (glucose), your body slows down the processing and stores the food away as fat. You begin the day with an energy deficit.
  • Next, since both testosterone and GH stimulate learning and memory, as well as many other brain functions, they help you process the previous day’s activities and prepare your brain for the new day. Without adequate hormones, you will likely feel as though you are in a state of mental fog. It will become difficult to focus and pay attention. Lack of sleep will also make you tired – both mentally and physically.
  • Finally, GH and testosterone are mutually essential for one another’s production. They boost each other’s secretion and prevent cortisol from taking over. Cortisol is the stress hormone that inhibits sleep and testosterone and growth hormone secretion – leading to insomnia and fatigue.

If you have low testosterone, your body cannot produce the energy it needs to last you throughout the day.

Testosterone, Metabolism, Fatigue, and Exercise

Testosterone, Metabolism, Fatigue, and ExerciseIf you have low testosterone, chances are you feel as though you are on a merry-go-round that goes in slow motion but never stops. You want to get off and do something – anything, but you cannot. If only you could get some more sleep, maybe then you would not feel so tired. Eventually, your body and mind just give in, and you may sleep for 10, 12 hours on the weekend. Or you get sick and stay in bed for a day or two.

How can low testosterone cause fatigue like that?

Your body needs testosterone. It has to have it. Without testosterone, your body cannot function properly. Remember, testosterone and growth hormone have that reciprocal relationship. When one is low, the other may be, as well. GH is vital for a healthy immune system. Together, these hormones stimulate your metabolism and help regulate your body’s internal clock – its circadian rhythm.

How can low testosterone cause tiredness even after you get 12 hours of sleep? Isn’t it possible to catch up?

No, once a day is gone, you can never get that sleep back. In fact, sleeping more than 9 hours can adversely impact hormone production. Too much testosterone will cause an increase in hormone conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (estrogen) that will further worsen a hormonal imbalance.

What does exercise have to do with this? If I am tired, how can I find the energy to exercise?

Whereas sleep stimulates testosterone production by night, exercise boosts its secretion during the day. People who exercise typically have higher testosterone levels than those who are sedentary. One thing to know – extended cardio sessions such as long-distance running can have the opposite effect – lowering testosterone levels.

Low testosterone causes poor metabolism, resulting in fatigue and a lack of energy for exercise.

How to Increase Energy and End Fatigue with Testosterone Therapy

The answer is clear – increase your testosterone levels, and you will end fatigue. How do you increase testosterone? Get more sleep and exercise. No, it is not as easy as that. If you have low testosterone, you likely cannot fall asleep easily at night. You also do not have the energy to exercise. So where do you begin?

For many people, the answer lies with testosterone therapy. That is often the stimulus that people need to improve testosterone levels, lower cortisol levels, and increase energy.

A sleeping pill is not the answer – it is an artificial way to fall asleep and may leave you feeling more lethargic in the morning. If you have symptoms of Low T, you want to contact a hormone specialist who can test you for hormonal imbalance. Only then can you get the personalized treatment protocol you need to banish tiredness and restore vitality to your life.

Can low testosterone cause tiredness? Yes, but you have the power to put an end to that vicious cycle with a free consultation with one of our medical advisors.

If you have Low T, then testosterone therapy can help you end fatigue and restore vitality to your life.